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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

A Post From My School Friend

Hey there all you lovely people!

So I thought it was time for another blog post and what better idea than to get one of my bestest friends to write a post about me? I know, I'm a genius ;)
Here it is! 

"Okay so I go to school with Chloe and I have to tell you, she's an amazing girl! She has the best sense of humour, a great personality and she's very popular with both girls and boys.
Naughty ;)  

One of my first memories about Chloe was when I joined her school back in March 2011. I was the new, shy, dorky kid and only had one other friend that I knew from my old school who went there, but when I saw Chloe sitting there I just knew we'd be friends! I don't know how I knew, I just did. Girls intuition I guess! 

Within the first couple of days of being in that new school, I saw Chloe as my best friend and we clicked straight away! We would always do our work together, we'd spend break together, we'd spend lunch together.. As you probably have guessed we did everything together! We were inseparable.

Another memory we have together is when Chloe put me into four car tires stacked on top of each other (bum first) and I was stuck in them for the whole of lunch break with my legs over the top of my head! At the time I didn't find it as hilarious as Chloe did (she was literally wetting herself laughing she found it so funny) but now when I think back to that day I smile and laugh a little.

Yes.. That's right, I have yet another memory for you all!
 Okay so Chloe used to be on the school football team (before she turned 14) and she went off to the Hove Recreation Ground with the rest of the football team to play against this school of dwarfs.. Honest to god, they were all tiny! Anyway, they were away for a good three hours before coming back with sadness written all over their faces. I thought they had lost, only to look at Chloe who laughed and said that they had won! I was so happy that I ran at her and gave her the biggest hug ever, a HUGE bear hug nwh.

So as you can see, Chloe is such a brilliant girl to be around and I'm totally honoured to call her my best friend. Regard the fights we sometimes have haha. I love you Chlo-bo ❤"

So there you go!
 Thankyou soo much Phoebe for that awesome post! I hope you all enjoyed reading some of our cutest and funniest memories.

I'll see all you sexy people next time :) 

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