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Thursday, 23 May 2013

An Introduction To Me

Hey! I'm new to the whole blogging world so I thought I'd let you guys know a little bit more about me! My name is Chloe and I live in Brighton. Some of my favorite YouTubers are Zoe (zoella280390), Joe (ThatcherJoe), Meghan (Strawburry17), Jenn (jennxpenn), Louise (Sprinkleofglitter) and Alfie (Pointlessblog). I have a slightly worrying addiction with nail polish, I don't know why but I just love the stuff, I have just a little collection... One of my biggest passions has to be dance, I started being a little dancing baby from the age of 6 and I've loved it ever since, all thanks to my amazing dance teacher Alex :') I have some pretty great friends but to mention 1 it would have to be my gorgeous girl Summer, she's helped me through some hard times so I thought she deserved to be in this blog post! I have a tabby cat called Tiger and a yellow bird called Birdy (very original). Follow me on instagram and twitter @Chloe_Webber. Birch trees are my favorite and I love skittles (hence the name). If you're still reading this then thankyou soo much, I hope you enjoyed getting to know some random stuff about me because I really enjoyed writing it. Hope you stick around and follow me, if that's what you do on this website?...

Chloe <3

                                      Me, Summer, Peter and the DaneHill Gang, Foxdale 2013 <3

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