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Friday, 24 May 2013

Q & A

Oh hey there blogspot friends!

I thought it would be fun to do a 'Question and Answer' blog post. Soo I asked around on Twitter and Facebook for you guys to ask me some questions that you'd like me to answer and I got quite a few responses. Also it's a good opportunity for you guys to get to know some more stuff about me. So without further a do, here we go!

Q: Ultimate clothes shop?

A: It's gotta be New Look. I just love the clothes they have in there. They have a lot of tee's and shirts that are really my style and they don't have ridiculous size's that make you think you have to be a size 0 to wear nice clothes!

Q: Favourite item of makeup?

A: Okey, for me this one is easy. EYELINER! I can't even go one day without wearing it. If I don't I look like death (and I'm not even joking).

Q: One thing you never leave the house without?

A: My phone. I can't live without my phone. I know that sounds really bad, but I can't help it. Sorry Nan! :S

Q: Where is your dream place to go in the world?

A: To be honest I don't think I really have one. I don't really like travelling, but if I had to pick somewhere I think I'd pick Rome. I went there when I was 10 for my Mum's 40th Birthday and I fell in love instantly.

Q: Why did you start blogging?

A: Well I have wanted to start my own blog for a while now but I never really knew what I wanted to write about and I thought that if people found out about it they would make fun of me. But recently I gained the confidence and decided to just push myself and go for it. Personally I think it's one of the best decisions I've made because I really enjoy just writing what comes into my head and I think it's a good way to express yourself! I just hope people enjoy reading it!

Q: What do you think is the best thing about living in Brighton&Hove?

A: I'm a major Brighton girl! So I don't think I can narrow it down to just one thing but I love the pier and the beach. Although we don't often get very good weather in England that doesn't stop me from going to the pier every now and then to go on a few rides!

Brighton Pier, Winter 2012

Brighton Beach/Pier Spring 2013

Q: What websites do you use daily?

A: Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot (obviously) and YouTube!

So that is it for my Q & A post. If you have any other questions you're dying to ask then you can Tweet me ( @Chloe_Webber).


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