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Saturday, 1 June 2013

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Hey there blogspot people! 

The other day I was sorting through some of the mess in my room (which there is A LOT of) and I came across some things that I used to love as a kid! So I thought I'd take a trip down Memory Lane and show/tell you some of my favourite childhood memories and just random stuff that I used to love. Soo.. LET'S GO!

1. To start off, when I was younger I might of had a little obsession with Harry Potter, and when I say ''little'' I mean ''HUGE!''. Every single night when my parents asked me what movie I wanted to watch 9 times out of 10 my answer would have been Harry Potter! Not all 8 movies were out at the time so I must have watched Harry Potter 1-4 about 100 times, which made it even more exciting when the next movie came out. I swear to god I can recite nearly every line of each of the movies, it's creepy!
Helloo there Daniel Radcliffe, long time no see!

2. I used to be a massive tomboy when I was younger up to the age of about 10 which lead to me having a strong love for playing football. I used to be a massive Chelsea fan. When I had my bedroom re-decorated I made sure that everything was to do with Chelsea FC, I had blue walls, Chelsea curtains, Chelsea bed stuff. Chelsea everything! I know, sad huh! Once my parents took me to London to go on a tour round Stamford Bridge and I got a Chelsea shirt with my name and age (at the time) printed on the back, cool right? But as you already know my passion is dance, and when I came back from school after playing football covered in mud and bruises my Mum wasn't very happy so I had to pick between Dance and Football and of course I chose Dance so that was the end of my Football days. I miss it a lot :(
Soo disappointed it doesn't fit anymore :(

3. One thing I really wanted to share with you guys is this - When I was younger my favourite TV show was Blues Clues. Most of you probably will have never heard of it but I used to love it. I loved it so much that my Dad was really awesome and painted one whole of my walls Blues Clues! It was sooo coool! But as I got older I kinda grew out of it and I got my parents to paint over it. Unfortunately I never got a picture of it so I can't show you but take my word for it, it was pretty cool.

4. So this next one is my all time favourite cuddly toy. I can't exactly remember when,where,why or how I obtained this cute little toy rabbit but somehow I did, I must have been too young to remember it. I named him ''Rabsy'' (Again, very original. I had the knack of coming up with very creative names as a kid as you can tell). As a little girl I used to be terrified of thunder,lightning and hailstones, I can always remember the time whenever the weather was bad and I was really scared I used to grab my little Rabsy and sit by my patio doors in my pj's and hug him tight and wish that the thunder & lightning would go away. I was very attached to him as a kid and I'm really glad I still have him. You can't really see his left eye, he must be well-loved :)

Do you guys have any childhood memories that you'd like to share? I'm all ears!

Bye bye internet friends! 

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