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Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Maths Is A Myth!

Hey internet people! 

I was sitting in class earlier and realised I haven't done a blog post in a very long time *bad Chloe*, and while recently I've been struggling with ideas on what to write a post on I thought I'd brainstorm a couple of ideas while I was bored in lesson today and I came up with a couple of good ones but you'll have to wait for a little bit to read those ;)

So today's topic is....


1. Whoever came up with Sine,Cosine and Tangent literally needs to be shot. I'm not being funny but when are you ever gonna use it? It's like going into a shop going down the sweets isle and thinking oh I wonder what the cosine of that tictac is? I'm sorry but I can't ever see that happening!
2. Why does it all have to be so complicated? I was fine with simple algebra, but NOO we have to learn about 'upper and lower bounds' and 'cumulative data', how that is even classed as Maths I have no clue. And not only is it complicated, there's frickin' truck loads of it, and we're supposed to remember it all?!! I'm not joking my textbook is 30 chapters long with a total of about 500 pages, what the f***? (Just so you can see what I have to lug around all day I'll put a picture below)

3. I don't understand why knowing the in and outs of a bloody triangle is important? I mean if you want to go on to be a shape specialist then sure I get it, but for those of us who want to have normal occupations then I don't think it's all that necessary.. If the person that came up with this hell hole that we call 'Mathematics' isn't in a mental home by now I'd be pretty damn surprised. I mean not only do you have to know how many sides, faces and vertices it has, then you have to be able to calculate the perimeter, find the perpendicular height, fine the sine, cosine and tangent, I never knew you could do so many things with a bloody shape! I swear half of the Maths GCSE is pure crap ahah.


Well that's enough ranting for one day! If any you agree with any of the things I mentioned above please leave a comment below, I hope I'm not the only one that finds Maths confusing! I'm sorry it's taken me a long time to write another blog post, with GCSE's creeping up it's been hard to find some free time to sit down and write, but I promise I'll try my hardest to keep it up hehe.
If you haven't read my last ancient post (which I'm sure most of you have) then you can click HERE! and go check it out. 

Until next time peeps,

God bless, peace out! 

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

5 Ways To Be Happy!

Hey there fellow blog readers! 

So recently I've been feeling really down and not myself at all. The last time I was happy or even smiled was when I was in Germany like 2 weeks ago. I hate being upset it sucks so bad, so I thought I'd try and be positive and ''always look on the bright side of life'' ( That was just for you Robert ;D ), and I came up with a couple of ways to stay positive and most importantly BE HAPPY!


1. Do something that you love to do - Whenever I'm upset one of the best ways to cheer myself up is to dance. Whether I'm having a lesson or even if I'm just doing a quick Samba around my bedroom/Tango down my hallway just stick on some Ballroom or Latin music and I'm automatically in a better mood. It just helps me take my mind off things and gives me a chance to clear my head. Just doing something you love doing and makes you happy can have the biggest affect on your mood and make you feel 100 times better, whether its like me; dancing, or even reading or drawing. 

2. Surround yourself with people you love and who love you, (family, friends) - Recently my friends have played a HUGE part in cheering me up. It's times like these that life reveals who your true friends are, and I definitely know who I shall not be wasting my time on anymore. I have a habit of trusting way to easy, yeah that's not a smart idea, all that happens is it comes straight back and kicks you up the ass. So at the moment trusting people has become really hard as many people have been proving I made a big mistake trusting them. But there are a couple of people who are always there, always at my side, and stick by me whenever I'm upset and they will always have my trust. Iloveyouguys (you know who you are). Surrounding yourself with people who love you and just simply having a little chat or just being in their company will cheer you up. I know when I'm with people from dance I constantly have a huge silly smile on my face even if we're just sitting there, being in their company automatically makes me happy.

3. Forgive and forget - Let go, let go of the past and get on with the present. Don't let the past consume you, stand up and move on! Moving on is the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but it has to be done. Life goes on, time passes by, taking the first step is always the most difficult but once you take it everything else falls into place and you begin to wonder why were scared of taking that step. Just take a moment to think ''Why am I worrying about all of this?'' let go of everything and move on and live life, enjoy being you. Forgiving and forgetting is a good way of clearing your head and helping you to be happy.

4. Smile! - Smile, even if it's for no reason. Just smile, it's been proven to release endorphin's, just like when eating chocolate or on a bigger scale; how do I say this in a pg way?, ''making love'', screw it, getting it on haha. Smiling makes you feel good, try it. Prove me wrong ;)


5. Just be optimistic, think about the good things in life, embrace them and you'll be fine ;) 


That's it for today's post. I hope if any of you are ever upset or are just having a rough day and everything's getting to you that you read this and it helps you to be happy! If you ever need a shoulder to cry on or just a friend to have a rant to, I'm here, always! 
If you haven't already read my previous blog post, and I can't think of a reason why you guys shouldn't have ;) Go and read it, it's awesome! You can go and read it right here.

I'll see y'all next time!

Peace out mofo's I love you all! 

Saturday, 29 June 2013

East Sussex Dance Germany Trip 2013

Summer, My Mum, Me, Marcus, Floss, Richard, Indie, Andrew, Maya,
Julia, Mike, Amy, Kimberly, Beth, Daniel, Emily, Peter, Emma, Oscar,
Megan, Lydia and Eliza

Hey there everyone! 

Long time no see huh? I just want to say before I start this post I'm really sorry that I haven't done a blog post in nearly 2 weeks now, I've been super busy and I haven't had time to sit down properly and write on my blog. But I'm back and better than ever so without any other interruptions... Here we go!


Last weekend I went to Cologne in Germany with my dance school and it was one of the best weekends ever. Cologne is such a beautiful place, I'm really glad that I had the chance to explore the city and discover a new place that I'd never been to before. ESD went to Cologne last year but I didn't go so I didn't really know what to expect, let's just say I definitely wasn't disappointed. It was a perfect opportunity to meet new people and get to know my fellow dancers even better. Everything was so perfectly organised, the bus to take us to and from the airport was on time, our hotel was lovely, all of the staff were really friendly - They even opened up the breakfast room at midnight just so we could do some Salsa practice! All of our rooms were on the same floor so we were only a couple of doors away from each other which was really fun. Also the hotel was placed just outside a little town square full of interesting shops and water features that my friends and I loved walking around and checking out all the fun German products that they don't have in the UK.

I don't think they have enough energy drinks in Germany..

They have fairy Capri-Sun's, Oh My Lord.

The little village we were in
One of the many water features we found

Water Feature Number 2
Nice photo bombing Marcus ;)

Me and My Girls 
My famous ''Willy Drink'', it wasn't until
I got to the airport on the way home that
I realised ''Billy Boy'' is a brand of German
Alex didn't want her hair to get wet...

 The flight was so quick as soon as the pilot said we'd be landing in 10 minutes me and Summer looked at each other really shocked, it felt like 5 minutes not 50.

 All of us caught the train into the city and we all went off in our own little groups and explored the city. We saw the Cathedral which was soo huge! I heard it was big, but big is an understatement, it's ENORMOUS! It's really beautiful, and the river is stunning I could have sat and looked at it all day. That afternoon Me, Summer, Floss and Alex all went down to the Euro Dance Centre to do some training and my god it's soo nice in there! Their studios are really spacious and have lots of mirrors in which is excellent. I loved how they'd painted the ceiling and walls to look like a jungle it was really creative and made me smile. All the people that worked there were lovely and they let us use the studio whenever we wanted til 10 o'clock which was really kind of them. They even had a bar! I thought that was really cool. I hope that when we get a studio it's like that one.

I'm never gonna forget those studios!
This is only part of the cathedral hahah

Me and My Girls by the river 

Panorama of the river

We actually saw a 6ft inflatable, smoking, penis..

That evening it was around 10-11 o'clock and all us teenagers were still awake so our teacher took us out in the hall way and started teaching us Salsa and Sequence that most of us had never done before, we all really enjoyed it so for a bit of fun we decided to do it in the competition the next day. The next day was the day of the competition so we were all very excited. The venue was really nice, like most other buildings that we'd seen that weekend. The dance floor was nice and big so there was lots of room for us to dance on and the floor wasn't sticky or slippery which was really good because there's nothing that a dancer hates more than a sticky floor! Not that there were many people on the floor at the same time. There was like 4 German schools and 4 British schools and there wasn't many people competing which meant the rounds were either Semi-Finals or a straight final which was actually really nice. It meant that we all got a chance to actually be acknowledged by the judges and have our minute of glory sort of thing.

1st - Gold Ballroom Solos, 2nd - Gold Paso Doble Solos,
 2nd - Royal Empress Tango Sequence, 2nd - Silver/Gold Tango Couples,
2nd - Silver/Gold Jive Couples, 3rd - Couples Salsa

 My friend injured herself while she was in the middle of her round and a teacher from one of the German schools kindly came over with an ice pack and got one of her students Mum's to who was a physio to come in an strap her up which was soo sweet of her. Overall the general atmosphere of the competition was really lovely, I much preferred it to any of the competitions I've been to in the UK. I managed to win 6 medals, which was amazing because I haven't won a medal in well, a long time. I extremely enjoyed my weekend in Cologne with all my friends and dance school. I feel like I've gained so much from this experience, I've made some amazing friends and also become closer with the ones I already had. I'm so gutted that it's all over, I wish I could go back right now because I miss it so much. Last weekend was one of the best times of my life and I'm never going to forget it. I can't wait for next year so we can all go back and do it all over again.
Roll on Germany 2014! 


So there you go guys, I hope this has made up for my lack of blog posts recently. You probably have but if you haven't read my previous blog post you can go and check it out here.

Til next time blogging peeps!

Auf wiedersehen! (Bye) 

Saturday, 15 June 2013

A Trip To The Beach

                                                Harry, Me, Annalia, Phoebe and Aaron

Oh hey there internet friends! 

So today me and my friends had a little trip down to Brighton Beach, (the best beach ever may I add). We had SO much fun. We went to the beach, walked around the lanes looking for the ''Nerds'' (a.k.a Lewis,Josh,Rian and Daniel), and dragged the boys round all the shops. So I thought as today was one of the most fun days I've had in a long time why not share it with all you lot ;) So here are some photos we took inbetween all the fun!

The Gang 

I like covering Phoebe in rocks :D
The boys just cant get enough of eachother ;)
We're so indie it's unreal, although I don't think the
boys have quite got the hang of it bless them 
We just love group cuddles  
Phoebe loves getting buried ;)
Aww Harry 

I love all these guys soo much it's actually unreal. It was a long day packed full of laughs, giggles, games and cuddles. I genuinely haven't had that much fun in, well, a very long time! Spending time with the people that mean the most to me makes me very happy :)

I'm going to go now, these guys have worn me out so much if I don't go to bed soon I might just faint, I also have a dance competition tomorrow and I have to get up early and I'm not a morning person. That should be interesting!

See you all next time!


Wednesday, 5 June 2013

May Favourites!

Hey internet amigos! 

June has finally graced us with it's presence and brought the sun along too! Which means it's time for a monthly favourites post, so I thought I'd share some of the things that I've been loving this May :) 


Okey so there's one main tv programme that I've been really loving this May, and for those of you that know me really well this is going to be very obvious. Of course, it's "Made In Chelsea". I only started watching it a couple of weeks ago and I'm already hooked! I probably should have started watching it from the beginning but hey ho. Some of the people are actually hilarious  ( *hint* *hint* Jamie Lang). It's also set in London which means I have to love it ;) The people are all lovely (well most) and Binky, Stevie & Jamie are all my favourites, I love them loads!


This one is a little random but I just had to put it in. I have been absolutely loving VANILLA COKE & FANTA FRUIT TWIST. If you're not from the UK you probably don't know what they are so here's a picture! They're soo yummy and I literally don't drink anything else. (They also do coke with names on now, I'm still looking for my name. They have an "Imran", "Sandeep" and an "Amit", BUT NO CHLOE. I'm determined to find one with my name on).


So you may or may not know that I am a MASSIVE movie geek, it's safe to say I must have about 300 hundred in my house and that's the ones I know about! But there are two films that I've really loved this May.

1. Les Misérables

Another thing I'm very fond of; Musicals (Hence my love for Les Mis). There are loads of brilliant actors/actresses in it e.g. Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham - Carter, Amanda Seyfried and Sacha Baron Cohen. I don't cry at many films but I have to admit I did tear up a little :( "On My Own" and "I Dreamed A Dream" are my all time favourite songs from the movie. End of. 


2. Pitch Perfect

First of all, I love Anna Kendrick, I saw her in Twilight and loved her so I had to see this. I was actually supposed to go see this for my birthday back in December but we couldn't coz the cinema screen was screwed up or something, I dunno, but I was pretty gutted :( But now it's out on DVD I can drive my Mum insane by watching it over and over again!


There have been 3 songs this May that I've had on repeat on my iPod all month.

1. Dumb - Tich
I actually went to see Olly Murs on his tour in March and she was supporting him and she performed it, my friends really didn't like her or any of her songs but I thought she was great!
2. Explosions - Ellie Goulding
I love, love, LOVE, this song. I've loved all of her songs but this is by far my favourite.
Well done Ellie, you haven't let me down :) 
3. Panic Chord - Gabrielle Aplin
This song has been stuck in my head all May and even now! It's soo catchy and I just love it, I don't know what else to say but that haha :D

I hope you enjoyed my "May Favourites" blog post!
I'll see all you sexy people next time!


Saturday, 1 June 2013

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Hey there blogspot people! 

The other day I was sorting through some of the mess in my room (which there is A LOT of) and I came across some things that I used to love as a kid! So I thought I'd take a trip down Memory Lane and show/tell you some of my favourite childhood memories and just random stuff that I used to love. Soo.. LET'S GO!

1. To start off, when I was younger I might of had a little obsession with Harry Potter, and when I say ''little'' I mean ''HUGE!''. Every single night when my parents asked me what movie I wanted to watch 9 times out of 10 my answer would have been Harry Potter! Not all 8 movies were out at the time so I must have watched Harry Potter 1-4 about 100 times, which made it even more exciting when the next movie came out. I swear to god I can recite nearly every line of each of the movies, it's creepy!
Helloo there Daniel Radcliffe, long time no see!

2. I used to be a massive tomboy when I was younger up to the age of about 10 which lead to me having a strong love for playing football. I used to be a massive Chelsea fan. When I had my bedroom re-decorated I made sure that everything was to do with Chelsea FC, I had blue walls, Chelsea curtains, Chelsea bed stuff. Chelsea everything! I know, sad huh! Once my parents took me to London to go on a tour round Stamford Bridge and I got a Chelsea shirt with my name and age (at the time) printed on the back, cool right? But as you already know my passion is dance, and when I came back from school after playing football covered in mud and bruises my Mum wasn't very happy so I had to pick between Dance and Football and of course I chose Dance so that was the end of my Football days. I miss it a lot :(
Soo disappointed it doesn't fit anymore :(

3. One thing I really wanted to share with you guys is this - When I was younger my favourite TV show was Blues Clues. Most of you probably will have never heard of it but I used to love it. I loved it so much that my Dad was really awesome and painted one whole of my walls Blues Clues! It was sooo coool! But as I got older I kinda grew out of it and I got my parents to paint over it. Unfortunately I never got a picture of it so I can't show you but take my word for it, it was pretty cool.

4. So this next one is my all time favourite cuddly toy. I can't exactly remember when,where,why or how I obtained this cute little toy rabbit but somehow I did, I must have been too young to remember it. I named him ''Rabsy'' (Again, very original. I had the knack of coming up with very creative names as a kid as you can tell). As a little girl I used to be terrified of thunder,lightning and hailstones, I can always remember the time whenever the weather was bad and I was really scared I used to grab my little Rabsy and sit by my patio doors in my pj's and hug him tight and wish that the thunder & lightning would go away. I was very attached to him as a kid and I'm really glad I still have him. You can't really see his left eye, he must be well-loved :)

Do you guys have any childhood memories that you'd like to share? I'm all ears!

Bye bye internet friends! 

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

A Post From My School Friend

Hey there all you lovely people!

So I thought it was time for another blog post and what better idea than to get one of my bestest friends to write a post about me? I know, I'm a genius ;)
Here it is! 

"Okay so I go to school with Chloe and I have to tell you, she's an amazing girl! She has the best sense of humour, a great personality and she's very popular with both girls and boys.
Naughty ;)  

One of my first memories about Chloe was when I joined her school back in March 2011. I was the new, shy, dorky kid and only had one other friend that I knew from my old school who went there, but when I saw Chloe sitting there I just knew we'd be friends! I don't know how I knew, I just did. Girls intuition I guess! 

Within the first couple of days of being in that new school, I saw Chloe as my best friend and we clicked straight away! We would always do our work together, we'd spend break together, we'd spend lunch together.. As you probably have guessed we did everything together! We were inseparable.

Another memory we have together is when Chloe put me into four car tires stacked on top of each other (bum first) and I was stuck in them for the whole of lunch break with my legs over the top of my head! At the time I didn't find it as hilarious as Chloe did (she was literally wetting herself laughing she found it so funny) but now when I think back to that day I smile and laugh a little.

Yes.. That's right, I have yet another memory for you all!
 Okay so Chloe used to be on the school football team (before she turned 14) and she went off to the Hove Recreation Ground with the rest of the football team to play against this school of dwarfs.. Honest to god, they were all tiny! Anyway, they were away for a good three hours before coming back with sadness written all over their faces. I thought they had lost, only to look at Chloe who laughed and said that they had won! I was so happy that I ran at her and gave her the biggest hug ever, a HUGE bear hug nwh.

So as you can see, Chloe is such a brilliant girl to be around and I'm totally honoured to call her my best friend. Regard the fights we sometimes have haha. I love you Chlo-bo ❤"

So there you go!
 Thankyou soo much Phoebe for that awesome post! I hope you all enjoyed reading some of our cutest and funniest memories.

I'll see all you sexy people next time :) 

Monday, 27 May 2013

A Little Place I Like To Call London

Hey there my fellow bloggers and internet amigos!

Yesterday my friends Layna, Sharna, their Dad Rob and I all went to a little place I like to call London. Not many people know this but I'm a big London fan, so going up there really excited me! We had to get up pretty early to get the train so we didn't get up there too late, and to the people reading this who know me well you'll all know that I am most definitely NOT a morning person! But it was soo worth it! On the rare occasion that I get the opportunity to go up to London it would have been stupid of me not to take my camera wouldn't it? ;) So I took a couple of cheeky photos (I actually took over 100, but I'm not going to bore you with all 100 of them) while I made my way around London and I thought I'd share them with you.

 So here you are my lovely's!  

The London Eye.
Waiting to catch our ride.
Anyone know what this is? You're right!, It's Big Ben!
Hello there Tower Bridge!
Oh hey there Chloe! Where did you come from?!
Oooooh that's a pretty bridge! 
*Knock* *Knock* Liz are you in? 
One of the many beautiful views we had on our river cruise.
So as you might have guessed, we went to a couple of places! First we went to the London Eye, as Rob had got me tickets to go for Christmas but there was never a good time to go because as most of you might know, the weather in England is pretty awful! BUT! As it's getting pretty close to the start of Summer the weather isn't too bad, so we took the opportunity and got up there as soon as we could! I've been on the Brighton wheel which is pretty much the same thing except a lot smaller, but I didn't know that until yesterday, so I thought it would be the same just in London. Oh no! I was wrong, so when we got there I was a little shocked as the London Eye is about twice the size, if that! But I faced my fears and got in the pod and actually it wasn't bad at all. The views that we got to see were amazing and it was definitely worth doing! I'd like to go at night next time, I think the view would be 2x as beautiful! I recommend it to all of you :)

Next, we went on a river cruise, which actually I didn't know we were doing until we were sat on the boat. One thing I'm alright with is boats so I found it quite relaxing. It was a 45 minute trip and we got to see lots of really cool buildings! We got to wave at people and apparently we get 5 years good luck, so thanks tour guide! So who goes to London and doesn't go to Oxford Street? NOT ME! Now I'm quite a sucker for a toy shop, and there happened to be one, anyone heard of a little shop called Hamley's? Nope, didn't think so ;) Anyway, I must have spent over an hour in there! I dragged the others round to watch every demonstration of the toys that I could find. I'm just a big kid, what can I say? :D I actually ended up buying a toy so I was pretty chuffed (It was only £10, bargain!). I know what I'll be doing this half-term, screw revision! We went into some other shops like the Ferrari shop, Primark, M&M World etc. But none of them were as good as Hamley's ;) 

Last but not least, we took the bus to Buckingham Palace to have tea with the Queen, but unfortunately she wasn't in so we had tea with the guards instead! In your dreams Chloe! Unfortunately we didn't actually go to have tea with the Queen, disappointing right! We had a sneak peek at the guards walking around then we went and sat in the sun. By that time we were pretty tired from all the walking so we couldn't really be bothered to do much else. So we made our way back to the station and took our train back to Brighton. BYE BYE LONDON!

Have any of you been to London? If so let me know and tell me what you love about it and maybe we can be London buddies! God, I'm such a tourist in my own country!


Friday, 24 May 2013

Q & A

Oh hey there blogspot friends!

I thought it would be fun to do a 'Question and Answer' blog post. Soo I asked around on Twitter and Facebook for you guys to ask me some questions that you'd like me to answer and I got quite a few responses. Also it's a good opportunity for you guys to get to know some more stuff about me. So without further a do, here we go!

Q: Ultimate clothes shop?

A: It's gotta be New Look. I just love the clothes they have in there. They have a lot of tee's and shirts that are really my style and they don't have ridiculous size's that make you think you have to be a size 0 to wear nice clothes!

Q: Favourite item of makeup?

A: Okey, for me this one is easy. EYELINER! I can't even go one day without wearing it. If I don't I look like death (and I'm not even joking).

Q: One thing you never leave the house without?

A: My phone. I can't live without my phone. I know that sounds really bad, but I can't help it. Sorry Nan! :S

Q: Where is your dream place to go in the world?

A: To be honest I don't think I really have one. I don't really like travelling, but if I had to pick somewhere I think I'd pick Rome. I went there when I was 10 for my Mum's 40th Birthday and I fell in love instantly.

Q: Why did you start blogging?

A: Well I have wanted to start my own blog for a while now but I never really knew what I wanted to write about and I thought that if people found out about it they would make fun of me. But recently I gained the confidence and decided to just push myself and go for it. Personally I think it's one of the best decisions I've made because I really enjoy just writing what comes into my head and I think it's a good way to express yourself! I just hope people enjoy reading it!

Q: What do you think is the best thing about living in Brighton&Hove?

A: I'm a major Brighton girl! So I don't think I can narrow it down to just one thing but I love the pier and the beach. Although we don't often get very good weather in England that doesn't stop me from going to the pier every now and then to go on a few rides!

Brighton Pier, Winter 2012

Brighton Beach/Pier Spring 2013

Q: What websites do you use daily?

A: Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot (obviously) and YouTube!

So that is it for my Q & A post. If you have any other questions you're dying to ask then you can Tweet me ( @Chloe_Webber).
