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Wednesday, 5 June 2013

May Favourites!

Hey internet amigos! 

June has finally graced us with it's presence and brought the sun along too! Which means it's time for a monthly favourites post, so I thought I'd share some of the things that I've been loving this May :) 


Okey so there's one main tv programme that I've been really loving this May, and for those of you that know me really well this is going to be very obvious. Of course, it's "Made In Chelsea". I only started watching it a couple of weeks ago and I'm already hooked! I probably should have started watching it from the beginning but hey ho. Some of the people are actually hilarious  ( *hint* *hint* Jamie Lang). It's also set in London which means I have to love it ;) The people are all lovely (well most) and Binky, Stevie & Jamie are all my favourites, I love them loads!


This one is a little random but I just had to put it in. I have been absolutely loving VANILLA COKE & FANTA FRUIT TWIST. If you're not from the UK you probably don't know what they are so here's a picture! They're soo yummy and I literally don't drink anything else. (They also do coke with names on now, I'm still looking for my name. They have an "Imran", "Sandeep" and an "Amit", BUT NO CHLOE. I'm determined to find one with my name on).


So you may or may not know that I am a MASSIVE movie geek, it's safe to say I must have about 300 hundred in my house and that's the ones I know about! But there are two films that I've really loved this May.

1. Les Misérables

Another thing I'm very fond of; Musicals (Hence my love for Les Mis). There are loads of brilliant actors/actresses in it e.g. Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham - Carter, Amanda Seyfried and Sacha Baron Cohen. I don't cry at many films but I have to admit I did tear up a little :( "On My Own" and "I Dreamed A Dream" are my all time favourite songs from the movie. End of. 


2. Pitch Perfect

First of all, I love Anna Kendrick, I saw her in Twilight and loved her so I had to see this. I was actually supposed to go see this for my birthday back in December but we couldn't coz the cinema screen was screwed up or something, I dunno, but I was pretty gutted :( But now it's out on DVD I can drive my Mum insane by watching it over and over again!


There have been 3 songs this May that I've had on repeat on my iPod all month.

1. Dumb - Tich
I actually went to see Olly Murs on his tour in March and she was supporting him and she performed it, my friends really didn't like her or any of her songs but I thought she was great!
2. Explosions - Ellie Goulding
I love, love, LOVE, this song. I've loved all of her songs but this is by far my favourite.
Well done Ellie, you haven't let me down :) 
3. Panic Chord - Gabrielle Aplin
This song has been stuck in my head all May and even now! It's soo catchy and I just love it, I don't know what else to say but that haha :D

I hope you enjoyed my "May Favourites" blog post!
I'll see all you sexy people next time!


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