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Friday, 2 January 2015

Where Have I Been?! & The TMI Tag

Hey there internet amigos! 

First of all, I hope you all had an amazing Christmas
 and a very happy New Year! I know I did! 
Secondly....I'm back!! I think the last time I posted on this blog was about a year ago when I was in the middle of GCSE preparation... *gasp*. I had so much revision to do and didn't have time to do anything else and as a result of that this blog kind of got abandoned.. I'm sorry I'm sorry, please don't hate me! Buuuuuttt... as it is the start of a brand new year I thought what better way to start off 2015 than to restart this blog! First thing you'll probably notice is that it has a new name. Now the reason behind this is that I think I kinda out grew the last one, I'm gonna be honest 2 years have gone by since I initially started this blog and now I no longer eat sour skittles or wear polo shirts! Oops.. I decided to call it "Confessions of a College Student" because I'm 16 now which means I go to Sixth Form College and I thought as most of my upcoming blog posts are going to be mostly lifestyle related and just miscellaneous things about my life, that that name seemed pretty apt. Something else you might notice is that I've 'redecorated' as it were. I decided that the old background just didn't suit my personality and it was time for a change, although I'll probably end up changing it multiple times through out the year no doubt! So to get back into things and let everyone know a bit about me as I've changed quite a lot since I last posted on here I'd do the TMI tag! (Late to the game I know..My bad!). So without further a do...

1: What are you wearing?
Just plain black leggings and a grey t shirt with an emoji on it.

2: Ever been in love?

3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
Again, nope!

4: How tall are you?
5ft 5.5/6

5: How much do you weigh?
No idea and I really don't want to know!

6: Any tattoos?
No, but I'd like to get one in the future.

7: Any piercings?
Yep, I've got my ears pierced but I never really wear earrings...

8: OTP?
I'm sorry but it's got to be Zalfie, or Troyler.

9: Favourite show?
I don't really watch much TV at the moment but it would probably
 be Made In Chelsea or Gossip Girl.

10: Favourite bands?
I don't have any specific favourite bands but I really like The 1975,
You Me at Six and Paramore.

11: Something you miss?
Miranda! Because the last ever episode was on TV last night and I honestly
don't know how I'm going to cope without it.

12: Favourite song?
I have loads but at the moment it's got to be 'Beating Heart' by Ellie Goulding.

13: How old are you?

14: Zodiac Sign?

15: Quality you look for in a partner?
A good sense of humour!

16: Favourite quote?
“Sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.”

17: Favourite actor?
Anna Kendrick or Jennifer Aniston.

18: Favourite colour?

19: Loud music or soft?
Depends at the time and my mood but most often it's probably loud music.

20: Where do you go when you're sad?
Either to my bed or to my friends, they always know what to say!

21: How long does it take you to shower?
If I'm washing my hair 10 minutes, if I'm not then probably 2-3 minutes.

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
10-15 minutes

23: Ever been in a physical fight? 
Not that I can remember..

24: Turn on?
 A sense of humour.

25: Turn off?

26: The reason I joined Blogger?
Because I thought having a blog would be fun as my friend has one (teenylittlebirds).

27: Fears?
Airplanes and flying.

28: Last thing that made you cry?
I literally cried 15 minutes before writing this post
 because I hit my foot on a table #wimp.

29: Last time you said you loved someone?
A few minutes ago.

30: Meaning behind your Blogger name?
I'm a college student and I'm going to talk about life experiences
and funny things that happen to me at college!

31: Last book you read?
Girl Online by Zoe Sugg.

32: The book you're currently reading?
I'm not reading anything at the moment. I loved Girl Online SO much
I wanted to read something that was sort of similar so if anyone has
any suggestions I'd be more than happy to hear them!

33: Last show you watched?

34: Last person you talked to?
My Mum :)

35: The relationship between you and the last person you texted?
My dance teacher.

36: Favourite food?

37: Place you want to visit?
I'd really love to go back to Rome or go to Barcelona as I've never
been before.

38: Last place you were?

39: Do you have a crush?
Not currently.

40: Last time you kissed someone?
Donkeys years ago!!!

41: Last time you were insulted?
My friends insult me all the time ahah.

42: Favourite flavour of sweet?

43: What instruments do you play?
I used to play the recorder, trumpet and piano but now I can't
play any of them. Although I'd like to learn how to play
the piano again!

44: Favourite Piece of Jewellery?
My Mum bought me this beautiful navy blue bracelet from Swarovski 
for Christmas. I love my navy blue Ice watch I got for my birthday too!

45: Last sport you played?

46: Last song you sang? 
'Shake It Off', Taylor Swift.

47: Favourite chat up line?
I don't think I have one.

48: Have you ever used it?
I don't have one so no.

49: Last time you hung out with someone?

50: Who should answer these questions next?
Anyone who wants to!

Well there you go, there's the TMI tag! I hope you enjoyed finding out a little bit about me after nearly two years oops! I'm excited where 2015 will take me next!

Until next time guys,

Over and out! 

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