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Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Maths Is A Myth!

Hey internet people! 

I was sitting in class earlier and realised I haven't done a blog post in a very long time *bad Chloe*, and while recently I've been struggling with ideas on what to write a post on I thought I'd brainstorm a couple of ideas while I was bored in lesson today and I came up with a couple of good ones but you'll have to wait for a little bit to read those ;)

So today's topic is....


1. Whoever came up with Sine,Cosine and Tangent literally needs to be shot. I'm not being funny but when are you ever gonna use it? It's like going into a shop going down the sweets isle and thinking oh I wonder what the cosine of that tictac is? I'm sorry but I can't ever see that happening!
2. Why does it all have to be so complicated? I was fine with simple algebra, but NOO we have to learn about 'upper and lower bounds' and 'cumulative data', how that is even classed as Maths I have no clue. And not only is it complicated, there's frickin' truck loads of it, and we're supposed to remember it all?!! I'm not joking my textbook is 30 chapters long with a total of about 500 pages, what the f***? (Just so you can see what I have to lug around all day I'll put a picture below)

3. I don't understand why knowing the in and outs of a bloody triangle is important? I mean if you want to go on to be a shape specialist then sure I get it, but for those of us who want to have normal occupations then I don't think it's all that necessary.. If the person that came up with this hell hole that we call 'Mathematics' isn't in a mental home by now I'd be pretty damn surprised. I mean not only do you have to know how many sides, faces and vertices it has, then you have to be able to calculate the perimeter, find the perpendicular height, fine the sine, cosine and tangent, I never knew you could do so many things with a bloody shape! I swear half of the Maths GCSE is pure crap ahah.


Well that's enough ranting for one day! If any you agree with any of the things I mentioned above please leave a comment below, I hope I'm not the only one that finds Maths confusing! I'm sorry it's taken me a long time to write another blog post, with GCSE's creeping up it's been hard to find some free time to sit down and write, but I promise I'll try my hardest to keep it up hehe.
If you haven't read my last ancient post (which I'm sure most of you have) then you can click HERE! and go check it out. 

Until next time peeps,

God bless, peace out!