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Tuesday, 2 July 2013

5 Ways To Be Happy!

Hey there fellow blog readers! 

So recently I've been feeling really down and not myself at all. The last time I was happy or even smiled was when I was in Germany like 2 weeks ago. I hate being upset it sucks so bad, so I thought I'd try and be positive and ''always look on the bright side of life'' ( That was just for you Robert ;D ), and I came up with a couple of ways to stay positive and most importantly BE HAPPY!


1. Do something that you love to do - Whenever I'm upset one of the best ways to cheer myself up is to dance. Whether I'm having a lesson or even if I'm just doing a quick Samba around my bedroom/Tango down my hallway just stick on some Ballroom or Latin music and I'm automatically in a better mood. It just helps me take my mind off things and gives me a chance to clear my head. Just doing something you love doing and makes you happy can have the biggest affect on your mood and make you feel 100 times better, whether its like me; dancing, or even reading or drawing. 

2. Surround yourself with people you love and who love you, (family, friends) - Recently my friends have played a HUGE part in cheering me up. It's times like these that life reveals who your true friends are, and I definitely know who I shall not be wasting my time on anymore. I have a habit of trusting way to easy, yeah that's not a smart idea, all that happens is it comes straight back and kicks you up the ass. So at the moment trusting people has become really hard as many people have been proving I made a big mistake trusting them. But there are a couple of people who are always there, always at my side, and stick by me whenever I'm upset and they will always have my trust. Iloveyouguys (you know who you are). Surrounding yourself with people who love you and just simply having a little chat or just being in their company will cheer you up. I know when I'm with people from dance I constantly have a huge silly smile on my face even if we're just sitting there, being in their company automatically makes me happy.

3. Forgive and forget - Let go, let go of the past and get on with the present. Don't let the past consume you, stand up and move on! Moving on is the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but it has to be done. Life goes on, time passes by, taking the first step is always the most difficult but once you take it everything else falls into place and you begin to wonder why were scared of taking that step. Just take a moment to think ''Why am I worrying about all of this?'' let go of everything and move on and live life, enjoy being you. Forgiving and forgetting is a good way of clearing your head and helping you to be happy.

4. Smile! - Smile, even if it's for no reason. Just smile, it's been proven to release endorphin's, just like when eating chocolate or on a bigger scale; how do I say this in a pg way?, ''making love'', screw it, getting it on haha. Smiling makes you feel good, try it. Prove me wrong ;)


5. Just be optimistic, think about the good things in life, embrace them and you'll be fine ;) 


That's it for today's post. I hope if any of you are ever upset or are just having a rough day and everything's getting to you that you read this and it helps you to be happy! If you ever need a shoulder to cry on or just a friend to have a rant to, I'm here, always! 
If you haven't already read my previous blog post, and I can't think of a reason why you guys shouldn't have ;) Go and read it, it's awesome! You can go and read it right here.

I'll see y'all next time!

Peace out mofo's I love you all!